The Goodwood Park Healthcare Group

  • Services




Residential rehabilitation services are delivered by experienced support and clinical staff, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The core purpose of the residential streams is to provide a safe and home-like environment.Clients can engage in meaningful and purposeful activities that enhance their quality of life and support greater levels of independence and, in most cases, prepare them for transition back into a community setting.

Goodwood Park Healthcare Group has a very diverse set of services and client groups. As a result we have embraced a fuller meaning of the word rehabilitation. For some that is full recovery and functioning, for others it is developing coping strategies to compensate for their deficiencies, and for others it is about preserving their quality of life and functioning levels for as long as possible.

For the majority of our clients, Goodwood Park Healthcare Group represents a stage of their rehabilitation journey. It is a safe, warm and home-like environment where clients receive a wide range of specialist supports and inputs designed to increase their independence, quality of life and the skills they will need to maximise their potential when they return to their own homes or families in the community.

These services are run using a variety of models specific to the needs of the client groups they support and using individualised plans and approaches to best support the client’s needs. Programmes and inputs are developed collaboratively with clients, family and whānau, funders and other support services.

For a small number of clients, Goodwood Park Healthcare Group is a long term service and potentially a home for life. In these cases, Goodwood Park Healthcare Group is committed to maximising the levels of independence and quality of life for as long as possible through a variety of therapeutic inputs. Our staff are highly skilled in supporting and caring for people and their families during the end of life stage.

The Lodge and Martin Place

The Lodge and Martin Place

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Gated and Ramarama

Gated and Ramarama

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ACC Residential Services

ACC Residential Services

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